
Showing posts from April, 2018
Plants Like Animals         There are an estimated  400,000 plant species  growing on our planet, exhibiting a huge variation of colors and shapes. They range in size from microscopic algae that look like snowflakes to giant sequoia trees hundreds of feet tall. Some species have even evolved to look like an entirely different type of living creature altogether, whether as an adaptation that provides an evolutionary advantage or just as a happy quirk of nature. Either way, here’s a selection of plants that we think look a lot like animals. 1. MONKEY FACE ORCHID ( DRACULA SIMIA ) Native to the mountainous regions of Ecuador, Colombia, and Peru, this rare orchid flower (pictured above) bears an uncanny resemblance to a monkey’s face. Its scientific name,  Dracula simia , stems from the two long spurs that sprout from its blossoms like vampire fangs, while “simian” means monkey in Latin. Blooming all year round, the orchid also emits a scent like ripe oranges. 2. BEE ORCHID
The Relationship Between God and Man           A T  our previous meetings we examined one of the foundations on which religion rests or perhaps I should rather say one of the indispensable elements in which religion consists—I mean man's belief in a superhuman power which works everywhere and in everything.            This is not a mere philosophical theory or an abstraction designed to satisfy man's craving for knowledge nor is it a purely mental attempt to account for the world of phenomena we see around us—whether that world be the whole universe such as we conceive it to be or merely that limited portion of it that falls within the ken of uncivilised or primitive man and constitutes his whole world—but it is a religious conviction that is to say it exerts a direct and immediate influence on man's emotional life.            For the phenomena which the religious man thus accounts for are precisely those which are bound up with his existence
CREATIVITY OF GOD       "Creativity is God's Gift to us.Using our creativity is our gift back to God" “The basic reality of God is plain enough. Open your eyes and there it is!” (Romans 1:19 MSG) The Bible says we can learn a lot about God by simply looking at nature. In Romans 1:20, the apostle Paul says,  “Since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities — his eternal power and divine nature — have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse”  (NIV). In other words, you can learn a lot about God simply by taking a walk. When I look at nature, the first thing I see is that God likes variety. Have you ever noticed that? God loves diversity. He doesn’t want everything exactly alike. God gets bored with sameness, and that’s one reason there’s nobody else in the entire world like you.